Planning Documents

If you have questions please contact:

Tony Sonnleitner, Development Officer
Fax: 1-866-363-3342


Planning Documents for the Summer Village of Betula Beach

The Planning and Development Department understands the values of the community and reflects those values into our plans, policies, and bylaws for the immediate and future development of our Village. Our core mandate is to assist our residents in achieving their development goals and objectives.

The Planning and Development Department is available to discuss your development and building plans. Before beginning any project, there are several steps you will need to take to make sure your new development complies with local bylaws and regulations.

Development Services are governed by provincial legislation, including the Municipal Government Act, Part 17, Planning and Development:, the Subdivision and Development Regulation, and numerous municipal bylaws, plans, and policies.

Statutory Plans
A statutory plan is a legal document that must go through three readings and a public hearing before it is adopted. Once adopted, there are legal obligations for the Municipality and the residents must adhere to the plan.

Non-Statutory Plans
Non-statutory plans are plans or documents passed by resolution. They are often developed to help encourage a certain direction for development or growth in a particular area.

Land Use Bylaw (LUB)

A Land Use Bylaw (LUB) establishes rules and regulations for land development, as well as, the process of making decisions for development permit applications within the Summer Village of Betula Beach.

A Land Use Bylaw (LUB) Review
A Land Use Bylaw (LUB) is one document among a number of different planning “tools” available to municipalities in Alberta. Every municipality in Alberta is required to have a Land Use Bylaw. A Land Use Bylaw establishes regulations to control the way land is used and developed. It divides a municipality into different ‘districts’ (or ‘zones’) and identifies what uses are either permitted or discretionary for each district.

A Land Use Bylaw also includes procedures for submitting, processing, and deciding upon subdivision and development applications. The broad purpose of a Land Use Bylaw is to separate uses that might conflict with each other and to protect property owners and residents from uses that may negatively impact the use and enjoyment of their property.

The Summer Village of Betula Beach has recently begun a project to update and prepare a new Land Use Bylaw (LUB).

The purpose of Newsletter #1 is to provide residents with background information about the project and outline the opportunities for community members to get involved.

Here are some of the topics the Summer Village is hoping to address in the Land Use Bylaw Update:

• Bed and Breakfasts • Lot Grading and Draining
• Building Orientation and Design • Parking and Loading
• Demolition • Projection Over Yards
• Dwelling Units on a Lot • Recreational Vehicles
• Environmental Protection • Sea Cans
• Fences • Site Coverage
• Firepits • Suites
• FireSmart Principles • Tourist Homes
• Wastewater  

Municipal Planning Services (MPS)

2023 MPS Subdivision Fee Schedule & Subdivision Guide
Effective: September 1, 2023

Municipal Development Plan (MDP)
Municipal Development Plans (MDPs) identify future development patterns within municipal boundaries, and facilitate local planning and economic growth. These plans provide citizens and businesses information on how the municipality will address the current and future needs of the community, including land use, transportation systems, municipal services and environmental considerations. 

Permit Applications

Development Permit Application Support:
Document Checklist

Select the appropriate Development Permit Application type, and submit required documentation listed with a complete application. Upon verification of complete application and calculation of permit cost,payment will be required.

All Development Permit Applications require the following:
Certificate of Title or Land Title Search of the property obtained no more than 3 weeks prior to the date of application.   The Title or Search may be obtained from any Alberta Registries Office.

Authorization from the Registered Owner.  (the titled owner may appoint an agent.)
* Complete Application form.
* Complete Right to Entry form. 
* Complete Electronic Communication form.

New Residential Developments require all of the following:
* Site Plan outlining the proposed development including front, side and rear setbacks, including eaves, as well as dimensions of the proposed development (pdf preferred; 
* Exterior elevation drawings showing height, horizontal dimensions and finishing materials of all buildings, existing and proposed (pdf preferred;
* Interior floor plans, including the basement (pdf preferred); 
* Site Servicing and Grading drawings (if applicable).   
          Note: For lakefront properties the finished first floor elevation, or opening in the building,
          shall be greater than the 1:100 flood plain contour of 725.42 M ASL.;

* Location of all easements and utility rights-of-way; and
* Location of existing or proposed access points to the property.

New Non-Residential Developments
Require all of the following:
* Site Plan outlining the proposed development including front, side and rear setbacks, including eaves, as well as dimensions of the proposed development (pdf preferred);
* Exterior elevation drawings showing height, horizontal dimensions and finishing materials of all buildings, existing and proposed (pdf preferred);
* Interior floor plans, including the basement (pdf preferred); 
* Site Servicing and Grading drawings (if applicable).   
          Note: For lakefront properties the finished first floor elevation, or opening in
          the building, shall be greater than the 1:100 flood plain contour of 725.42 M ASL.; 

* Landscaping Drawings; 
* Location of all easements and utility rights-of-way; 
* A storm drainage plan; 
* Location of garbage containment areas, off-street loading and parking areas; 
* Vehicular and pedestrian circulation on the site and to adjacent sites or public rights-of-way; 
* A lighting plan; and
* Location of existing or proposed access points to the property.

Change of Use on the Land or Within a Building
(commercial/industrial/institutional/residential day home)
Requires the following:

Site Plan, showing –  Location of the use; location of the use within the existing building; interior floor plan.

Additional information may be required during the processing of the development permit application, including but not limited to the following: 

* Geotechnical reports
* Traffic Impact Analysis
* Development Permit applications may be circulated to other municipal departments or to third parties (i.e. Provincial departments or Utility Providers) for comment or concurrence, at the discretion of the Development Officer.

Version 5.3.1
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